Best VPS Hosting - The New Age of Computing
Best VPS Hosting - is one of the most innovating technologies that are available today. It is a huge advancement in the field of distributed computing which is especially useful for web application hosting. If you own a company that launches several marketing websites from time to time for various new product launches, or which organises a lot of events and contests you would find this kind of service invaluable to maintaining costs and getting the best out of web services that are available today.
For example, if you have a website for a new contest. You would not want it to be online forever. You would just want it to be useful for that period of time between the announcements of the contest until the declaration of the final results. Thus, it does not really make sense to have dedicated servers for this purpose.
Disadvantages of dedicated servers
Dedicated severs are quite costly. They require you to invest a large amount in just buying the necessary equipment, and having it installed. You would also need a good data centre of a lab to keep the dedicated severs and then maintain these. Severs are like people. They too fall sick, and develop illnesses. They too, must be protected from the external dangers. - Best VPS Hosting
Servers often go offline to various problems. This could be power outages, failure of certain equipment, software glitches, and so on. Their operating systems need to be updated constantly so that they are protected from harmful viruses and Trojans. Thus, you would need to hire personnel who can take care of these things. It doesn't make sense to spend so much on a site that will hardly run for a couple of months.
Advantages of VPS hosting
Instead, you could go for VPS hosting. There is just a single physical sever that has extremely large storage capacities and CPU capabilities. These servers can be maintained by the IT departments of your organisation. You could also outsource these services to a good company that specialises in them.
You will be given a dedicated set of resources that belong to the physical server. But it will be in a partitioned form. Thus, you feel like you have a dedicated server, over which you have complete control. You can also make changes to the web application as you will have complete authorisation. You will not have to fight for access, and will not even be aware of the other parts of the server. When you are done with the need for the web application to be online, it can be taken offline, and the resources that were given to you can be added back to the pool of the main physical server's resources. This helps you save a lot of money and time. - Best VPS Hosting